Montgomery Breaker Panel Repair & Replacement

To keep your electrical disruptions to a minimum, call Trustworthy Electric today!

In many homes, electricity usage is starting to exceed what used to be more than adequate. Our plethora of modern electronics and devices put a lot of stress on your home’s power. If you need to a breaker panel that can keep up with your modern demands, we’re ready to help.

Trustworthy Electric can minimize your electrical disruptions when breakers are overloaded. We’ve been bringing more power into the homes of Montgomery, AL residents since 1994. We keep you in the loop with upfront prices for your electrical projects.

We can solve your problems related to:

  • Lighting Installation
  • Electrical Panel Replacement
  • Home Wiring
  • Outdoor Lighting
  • LED Lighting
  • Electrical Troubleshooting & Repairs
  • Commercial Service
  • Wiring Replacement

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We’ll Get The Lights Back On With Expert Breaker Repair

Circuit breakers interrupt the flow of electricity in your home when the system is overloaded. Having a breaker trip saves you from potential electrical fires. Most of the time, the breaker can be reset. However, if you live in an older home, or there’s damage to your fuse box, it may be time to replace components.

We can quickly diagnose your lack of power and solve issues related to your breakers or fuses. Our expert technicians can safely and effectively provide you with safe repairs due to bad wiring, old circuits, and electrical hazards. Trust a professional to get the job done right while keeping your family safe!

Expert Residential Panel Upgrades

Everything in your home that uses power is linked to your panel box. If you’re experiencing a malfunction or a lack of adequate electricity in your home, we can find a solution.

We’ll offer cost-effective options to upgrade and replace your panel box so you have an abundance of safe electricity. We’ll also inspect for any common problems or damage to the components of your panel box, saving you from hassle in the future.

A Steady Flow Of Circuit Breaker Maintenance

When you consider that every electronic in your home is connected to your circuit breaker, a malfunction can lead to more than a massive inconvenience. Besides resetting all those clocks, you also risk a surge in the power, which can damage your devices.

Save yourself from having to purchase new electronics with regular maintenance on your circuit breakers. We’ll inspect for any damage and prevent a problem from ever occurring!

Customers love our same-day repairs! Just see what they have to say in our reviews!

Trustworthy Electric is ready to upgrade your breaker panel with the best equipment on the market! Call (334) 215-1782 today!